Yorkshire Post New Starter Business Winners 2023!
Jacqueline Dyer
Giant Bradley's Sweet Shop is delighted to have won the New Starter Business of the Year Award, at the Yorkshire Post Excellence in Business Awards 2023! The awards was held in Leeds at Headingly Stadium on the 22nd November and hosted by Look North's Amy Garcia. Jacqueline Dyer, owner and...
Yorkshire Post Award Nomination!
Jacqueline Dyer
We are delighted to have been chosen as a finalist at the Yorkshire Post Excellence in Business Awards 2023!. The awards celebration is taking place at Headingley Stadium in Leeds on Wednesday 22nd November. We would also like to congratulate all the other finalists and wish them all the best.
Shop Now Open
Jacqueline Dyer
Giant Bradley's Sweet Shop is proud to announce that our high street shop is now open for business! We officially opened our doors on the 31st March 2023 to the public and we are delighted to welcome both new and existing customers to come and look round our new store. ...
Yorkshire Choice Awards Nomination
Jacqueline Dyer
Giant Bradley's Sweet Shop is delighted to have been nominated for the NEW STARTER BUSINESS OF THE YEAR At the Yorkshire Choice Awards! The winner is selected by a public vote we are asking all our customers to please help us win by voting for us! The awards will be...